
The Power of Nice. Thaler & Koval

The Power of Nice. Linda Thaler & Robin Koval. 2006. ISBN 0385518927.
How to conquer the business world with kindness. A book like Sanders
The L Factor, but very short, very readable and very useful. Short plane
ride book. Lots of examples where the choice to be nice paid off big
time for these two, maybe not right away (they wrote Bang! a few years
ago) . Great book to give to nice people. Good lessons here. File this
on under life lessons. Give it to your children (like Letters from a
Businessman to his Son - a classic).

By the way also just finished the autobiography of Michael Caine, So
Whats it all About.
Well written in a story style good airplane book and just a lot of fun
(quite an old book actually)

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