
Sales Leaders, Does Your Company Sell Like You Buy?

Sales Leaders, Does Your Company Sell Like You Buy?:

Sell Like You BuyThink back on your last few major purchases like a new car, living room furniture, or even you last smart phone. Did you make the decision to buy the first time you were exposed to the product, of course not? The first thing that had to occur was for you to realize that you had a need. Once the need was present you likely spent time on the Internet doing basic research to narrow your selection process.

Pay Attention to Your Personal Buying Process

Where did you start your search? Did you contact the merchant that you last purchased from because they kept in touch by providing valuable information and staying top of mind or did you use a popular search engine to help you find the right company to talk to? Right now, your prospects are going down the exact same buying decision path, will you be a player when they start their search?

Stayed connected with prospects as they become highly qualified means being visible both to the prospects you know and highly “findable” by the ones you don’t know.

Help Known Prospects Stay In Touch

Staying visible to known prospects through content rich email is effective and low cost. Simple email marketing tools can indicate if a prospect is interested based on if they opened and read your email. Better yet, consider investing in marketing automation. Then, not only can you see if a prospect opened the email but you can track their digital behavior as the come back to your website. You can tell what they are interested in, how long they were on your site, how often they returned – all valuable information for your sales team.

Be Highly Findable to Unknown Prospects

Being found by unknown prospects is equally critical, and making sure your website is optimized is an ongoing process. Many companies look at their website annually to judge look and to make sure their content is current. Missing from the review is the keyword and SEO processes that can move you from page 5 to page 1 when companies do an organic web search. Take a minute to look at your top competitors’ websites and take particular notice of both what they say and how they say it. The good ones will be optimized from both a keyword and web crawler perspective, both of which will out them higher in the search rankings.

Time to Change Your Approach?

Are you selling the way you buy? Make the time to review your in and outbound marketing efforts; your bottom line depends on it!

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