
Increase Your Sales Output By Preparing For Your Call…Dial SMART

Increase Your Sales Output By Preparing For Your Call…Dial SMARTfrom Business 2 Community 
Too many salespeople today think that if they, ”smile and dial” they will make more sales.  Seemingly more calls does equate to more Opportunities, but I would surmise that “Smarter” calls equals more sales revenue, because activity does not equal success.  Teach your salespeople to dial “SMART” and the revenue will increase very quickly.
S – Situation
A critical part in the preparation for the phone call is the Companies or contacts current situation.  Did anything happen to the company in the past 30 days? Merger? Acquisition? Is the contact new to the company?.  This will enable you to be relevant to the prospect when calling, and engaging when having a discussion.
M – Mapping
You need to understand the current landscape or needs of the company.  Regardless of your industry or product, this can be instrumental in helping you understand how your product fulfills their needs.  This information can sometimes be purchased from outside Vendors, and will certainly give you the return you need, as this allows for an excellent marriage of company list and product, and delivers relevancy.
A – Application
Understand and study your solution prior to the call.  Have a Battle Card close by if needed.  You will have to quickly apply your solution during the phone call so Power Point or computer navigation is impossible.  You must be able to adapt to the conversation and allow the prospect to dictate the need, so you must understand your solution’s applicability so you can be relevant to their pain points.
R – Resource
Before the phone call begins, you must be sure that you can come across as a trusted advisor to the prospect as this aids in your ability to close business.  To accomplish this you need to understand the company you are calling, the current needs of the company, and the solution you are selling.  Confidence is key here so be sure that you are ready for the call before you begin dialing, you only get one chance to make a first impression.
T – Timeline
No call should be made without a clear timeline from the seller’s perspective.  Know what you want to accomplish with THIS call.  Are you looking to set up another call to discuss your solution at a deeper level? Are you scheduling a later demo? Are you asking for the business?.  With a clear timeline, you are constantly moving the conversation towards your ultimate goal.
This technique for call preparation will not only better prepare your salespeople for the phone calls they are going to make, but allows them to increase their closure rate and subsequent revenue.

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