10 interesting digital marketing stats we've seen this week
10 interesting digital marketing stats we've seen this week:from Posts from the Econsultancy blog
Here are some of the most interesting digital marketing stats we've seen this week.
Stats include PPC vs. natural search traffic, social media's impact on retail sales, connected TV, Pinterest's traffic increase and f-commerce.
For more digital marketing stats, check out our Internet Statistics Compendium.
The power of natural search
- Paid search only accounts for 6% of total clicks from search engines versus natural search at 94% of clicks, according data included in an infographic from MEC.
- Also, women are slightly more prone to clicking on paid search results than males, and, as age increases, so does the likelihood of clicking on paid search results.
Social sales predicted to boom
- UK retail sales directly through social media are forecast to grow to £290m by 2014 from £210m.
- The study, commissioned by eBay, also predicts that £3bn of retail sales will be influenced by social media
by 2014.
- The increase is expected to be driven by retailers targeting consumers with personalised offers and deals on social networks.
Connected TV ad overload
- Just 6% of UK consumers own a TV with built-in Wi-Fi despite the fact that in the past three years more TVs have been sold in the UK than there are households.
- Up to 70% of homes have at least one way of connecting their TVs to the internet either through an integrated connection or through a games console, yet just 16% of respondents use their TV to watch catch up TV on a regular basis.
- The findings come from a Deloitte survey of 4,000 UK consumers which also found that TV viewers will watch one trillion ads in 2012.
Instagram and Pinterest making gains
- Data published by Experian Hitwise shows that Pinterest is now the fourth biggest social network in the US and 14th biggest in the UK.
- Americans spend on average 15 minutes per Pinterest session and Brits nine minutes. Americans are more likely to visit Pinterest after having been on Facebook compared to Brits who will go to Pinterest direct from Google.
- Experian’s data shows that Instagram has also experienced a massive growth in traffic in the past 12 months. This table shows the increase in the share of visits to all sites by country between July 2011 and July 2012.

Play.com’s Facebook fans worth 24% more than non-fans
- Play.com has analysed the shopping behaviour of its Facebook fans and found that, on average, customers who had engaged with one or more of its Facebook campaigns spent 24% more on the website than customers that hadn’t.
- Furthermore, shoppers that made their first purchase on Play.com referred through Facebook spent 30% more than an average customer in their first year of using the website.
Second screening
- Nearly a quarter of people (24%) use second screens while watching TV and almost half of all 16-24 year olds use communication tools such as messaging, email, Facebook, or Twitter to discuss what they are watching on TV.
- The findings come from a survey by Deloitte, which interviewed 2,000 UK respondents aged 16+ about their viewing habits and use of second screens.
- It found that despite the rise in second screening people only one in ten people browse the internet for information about the programme they are watching.
Ad budgets set to rise
- A poll of 500 client-side executives by the empty13 Group found that around a third of the firms represented by the panel were likely to increase their expenditure on television ads and digital campaigns next year.
- When asked to rate the most important media channels in 2013, exactly 25% of participants named social media, while 13% pointed to the web as a whole, and 12% referenced games consoles. Mobile scored 5% on this metric.
Fears for f-commerce
- 91% of 16-24 year olds say they are not interested in buying products or services directly through Facebook according to a survey by The Beans Group.
- Many are worried about online shopping in general, with 43% saying they are concerned about security.
Are top brands paying attention to mobile?
- Nearly 40% of the top 100 UK brands have a mobile optimised site, according to a study by the IAB.
- The study showed that the advertisers with a mobile-optimised website enjoyed increased engagement with consumers. Among advertisers that had a mobile-specific site, average dwell time was five minutes, two minutes longer than the average for advertisers without a mobile web presence.
- Furthermore, consumers who visit an advertiser site that is mobile-optimised looked at on average 19 pages per person - 33% more than if the site was not optimised (12 pages).
Consumers don’t care about 4G LTE
- A survey of 3,000 consumers in the US conducted by investment firm Piper Jaffray found tepid demand for next-generation 4G LTE network technology.
- 47% of the consumers polled indicated they didn't believe 4G LTE was necessary; just 15% stated they believed 4G LTE was superior.
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