
How To:: Email Marketing: 6 tactics on combining content and email strategies

How To:: Email Marketing: 6 tactics on combining content and email strategies:from Marketing: Case Studies & Know-How from MarketingSherpa Email without content to share with a database of potential customers is just technology, not marketing. In fact, Chris Baggott, Chairman, Compendium, and co-founder, ExactTarget, sees email marketing as a three-legged stool comprised of technology, data and content. This article offers six tactics from Baggott. Read on for tips on content marketing and how it intersects with email, including mining customers for content, why the blog should be the content "hub," repurposing content, and even how to mine outgoing email from Sales and customer service reps for effective, and reusable, content.

1 comment:

Vinay Singh said...

Marketing: Case Studies & Know-How from MarketingSherpa Email without content to share with a database of potential customers is just technology, not marketing.
email marketing program