
Week in Review: December 7

Week in Review: December 7:from Savvy B2B Marketing - Latest Blog Entries
How can it be that December is already upon us?! As we hurtle into the holiday season, it can be refreshing to slow down and take Savvy Week in Reviewa breather. And with this week's picks from around the blogosphere, you can sink your teeth into some good reads as you curl up with a cup of cocoa. Ahhhh....

The Savvy Sister
You can create brilliant content marketing and still miss the point by
If you're not including the sales team in your content marketing plan, you're wasting your time.
The Big Content Marketing Fail: How Much Content Do You Need? by @conversionation
J-P De Clerck paints a picture of the content marketing wasteland that's on the horizon if marketers don't get more thoughtful about the content they create.
Write the Best Titles for Content Marketing: A 10-Point Checklist by @RogerCParker
The title says it all!
Responding to the Buyers Purchase Path by @cahidalgo
Carlos Hidalgo explains why you can't apply a single buyer's journey to all your personas.
Your 2013 Social Media Strategy: Grow a Pair. by @markwschaefer
Tellin' it like it is. Step up or step off.
Why Emotion-Based Writing is Crucial to Your Business Goals  by @demianfarnworth via @copyblogger
Humans are built on emotions, not logic.
How Many Social Media Channels Should Your Brand Be Using?  by @jeffbullas
Massive amount of helpful information here (starting with a funny cartoon).
Email Marketing Tips: Say Thanks, Get More Clicks by @ShellyKramer
Your mom was right.
The State of Facebook: What’s Working Now by @AndreaVahl via @copyblogger
This is an extremely tactical and helpful post. Gets you in the trenches.

Annnnnd ... just for fun, have you seen College Humor's spoof on the Instagram craze? 

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