
Best Books on Creating Snappy Sales Presentations

Best Books on Creating Snappy Sales Presentations:from Fresh Sales Strategies Blog
SNAP SellingIn my previous post, I highlighted some presentation strategies from SNAP Selling which BTW, I highly recommend. But honestly, I don't write about it in enough depth to address all the factors that impact presentation success.
That's why I thought you'd be interested in checking out my favorite books on the topic.

strategic sales presentations

Strategic Sales Presentations
Jack Malcolm

This excellent book show you how to plan your approach, capture your buyer's attention, craft a compelling presentation and then deliver it well. As a sales expert, Jack knows what works and what doesn't. This is the "must have" book that precedes the others because it lays the strategic foundation needed for success. Find out more.
resonate cover

Nancy Duarte

I love Nancy Duarte's books. Her first one, Slide:ology, focused on how to visually convey your message and really helped me rethink what I was doing in my PPTs. Now, in Resonate, she shows you how to craft a story that really connects with your audience and moves them to take action. Check it out now.
Pitch Anything

Pitch Anything
Oren Klaff

Lots of good ideas in here, illustrated by real life stories. His material on what works is good: e.g., frames, push/pulls, But what I really liked was his section on power dynamics. I know that most women are clueless about many of the things he mentioned! And, lots of guys are too. Learn more now.
presentation zen cover sm

Presentation Zen
Garr Reynolds

This book fundamentally shifted my perception of what my slides should look like. Seriously. I ditched my bullet points and moved almost exclusively into graphics. And my connection to my audience soared. Check out Presentation Zen or his other excellent book, The Naked Presenter.
Virtual presenter

The Virtual Presenter's Handbook
Roger Courville

Last, but certainly not least, is this book that's focused entirely on online presentations. Keeping remote attendees engaged presents whole new challenges. And, the technology used creates new opportunities too. Well worth reading if you're doing more and more virtual meetings.  Check it out now
Your Turn: Have you read any presentation books lately that you've found helpful? If so, please tell us about them. 

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