
Creating Marketing People Love: 29 Tips From Industry Experts [Slideshow]

Creating Marketing People Love: 29 Tips From Industry Experts [Slideshow]:from HubSpot's Inbound Internet Marketing Blog 
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"Love is everything it's cracked up to be … It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for." - Erica Jong
With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, love is all around. And whether you’re making cookies with your kids, sending a package to a secret admirer, or toasting the passing of the day with friends, it’s a great time to think about love -- especially if you’re a marketer. We decided to ask some of world’s leading experts in everything from branding, to social media, to design for their advice on how to create marketing people love -- and the end result is our gift to you!
Experts including Seth Godin, Peter O’Neill, Mari Smith, Ekaterina Walter (and many more) share their advice on how to break through the clutter, elevate your game, inspire your customers, and create great narratives in your marketing efforts. The result? A challenge to all current and aspiring marketers to break away from boring campaigns, a commandment to put the customer at the center of your brand strategy, and a call-to-action to all of us to take the risks required to create marketing people love. Take a look:

1) "Great marketing makes your customers and fans feel like part of something exceptional." Tweet This Quote From @PeterStringer
2) "Invite people into your brand, and lean into the possibilities. Build movements, not campaigns!" Tweet This Quote From @Ekaterina
3) "Your relationship with a customer is only as good as your last interaction with them." Tweet This Quote From @BrentLeary
4) "If you help the people you love to serve, you'll never starve." Tweet This Quote From @ChrisBrogan
5) "Tell a story. Make it true. Make it compelling. And make it relevant." Tweet This Quote From @RandFish
6) "If you are doing it right, you will never have to sell to another customer again." Tweet This Quote From @AaronStrout
7) "Marketing is the truth of you, translated into the language of them ..." Tweet This Quote From @Communicatrix
8) "Marketing ... (is) everything you say to customers, and it's also everything you do." Tweet This Quote From @Copyblogger
9) "Develop a capacity for things like purpose, love, wonder, courage, and grace." Tweet This Quote From @DuctTape
10) "If your marketing connects with them emotionally, they are going to remember it, share it, and buy it." Tweet This Quote From @MissusP
11) "Focus on the dreams and desires of your top 1,000 customers." Tweet This Quote From @JuliaRoy
12) "Useful content accelerates potential buyers along their journey." Tweet This Quote From @PONeillForr
13) "Inbound marketing ... is the ideal way to form an immediate emotional connection with your prospects." Tweet This Quote From @Mike2Marketing
14) "You must show your fans and followers that you genuinely care about them." Tweet This Quote From @MariSmith
15) "Find ways to get offerings people love in front of the people most likely to love them." Tweet This Quote From @AprilDunford
16) "Marketing that educates and informs is always more persuasive." Tweet This Quote From @DavidCarpenter
17) "If you don't love it, there's no reason for anyone else to either." Tweet This Quote From @CSPenn
18) "People don't fall in love with hex colors and logos -- they fall in love with people." Tweet This Quote From @RedHeadWriting
19) "The marketing we love the best is the chance to imagine becoming our best selves." Tweet This Quote From @thisissethsblog
20) "As with any relationship, the market favors those who give more value than they ask for." Tweet This Quote From @LeslieBradshaw
21) "What marketing content will your customers THANK you for?" Tweet This Quote From @MarketingProfs
22) "If you don't show love and passion through your actions, you won't see much love come your way." Tweet This Quote From @SamMelnick
23) "'I love being marketed to.' Said no one, ever." Tweet This Quote From @Jess3
24) "Lovable marketing offers a promise and delivers on that promise." Tweet This Quote From @PRSarahEvans
25) "It's easy to fall in love with someone who always says the right thing, in the right way." Tweet This Quote From @destraynor
26) "If you help someone, you may create a customer for life." Tweet This Quote From @JayBaer
27) "Start with the soul and end with the sale. Not the other way around." Tweet This Quote From @CC_Chapman
28) "Don’t be afraid to spice up your content ... by showing some passion, personality, and purpose." Tweet This Quote From @shawngraham
29) "The brands that win are the ones that don't waste time on the one-nighter..." Tweet This Quote From @mzkagan
What advice do you have to marketers aspiring to create marketing people love? What was your favorite piece of advice from the SlideShare?

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