
Content that rules: The Year in Review brought to you by MailChimp, Airbnb, and Sailthru

Content that rules: The Year in Review brought to you by MailChimp, Airbnb, and Sailthru:from The Funnelholic 
The Content Hall of Fame continues to grow it’s list of nominees. I am not even sure what to call the content we are reviewing today.  Basically, a number of companies created these amazing “Year in Review” pieces which are mashup of infographics, web design, and ebooks.  When someone pointed them out to me, I had no idea what they were talking about. When I finally got a chance to review them, I got a “ding-ding-ding; we have a winner!”a
First of all, please click on these links and look at these yourself. They are awesome. (Or tell me otherwise in the comments). I have included some of my favorites from Airbnb, Sailthru, and MailChimp.

Today’s content marketers have taken boring content and turned it into visually appealing art.  Here are some examples
1.  They include fun facts and include employees in the content.  B2B Marketer:  You would NEVER EVER have done this 2 years ago and some of you wont work up the nerve to do it today)
Sailthru - Example of Fun and incusiion of employees

2.  They present their data in a visually appealing way.   Again, not done before.
mailchimp data

3.  They deliver customer success stories that are actually interesting stories that I want to read and present them in a compelling way.
Airbnb customer
4.  They have fun.
Mailchimp Thank you

Welcome to content marketing.  Have fun being marketed to.  For a fun exercise, try to think of a time when we ever saw anything like this form a content perspective.  Never.   It has never been better to be a marketer. Join the party.

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