
LinkedIn Groups | Sales Advice from Around the World

LinkedIn Groups | Sales Advice from Around the World:by 
There’s one LinkedIn Group that is continually our favorite. It’s the Inside Sales Experts and if you’re a sales professional, we highly recommend joining. Recently, a notable sales influencer, Don Perkins asked this of the group:

Don’t overthink it. Give me your most powerful sales wisdom one-liner. You have 5 seconds….
There have been over 80 responses to date. Here are our favorite 20:
  1. If you say it, they may doubt you. Get them to say it and it’s true
  2. Listen more than you talk
  3. Attack this day with a level of enthusiasm unknown to mankind
  4. People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care
  5. By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail
  6. I am responsible for everything I think, everything I say and everything I do
  7. Time kills deals
  8. Build trust, sales will follow
  9. People like to buy, not to be sold
  10. Listen like a friend, take the time to talk. Earn their trust
  11. There’s no such thing as failure, only results. If you’re not getting the results you want, modify your approach and try again
  12. Help the prospect buy, don’t sell to him/her
  13. You wont get the sale if you don’t ask for it
  14. Don’t be boring
  15. Sell with sincerity
  16. You have two ears and one mouth for a reason
  17. Be relentless
  18. Stay close to your customers
  19. It’s easier to sell new products to an existing customer than to acquire a new customer
  20. You can have results or excuses. But you can’t have both
LinkedIn Groups are a great place to soak up knowledge and connect with like-minded folks from around the world. Big ups to Trish Bertuzzi the founder of and moderator of Inside Sales Experts. We’d all be honored if you joined and got involved!

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