
Successful Selling Through Partners

Successful Selling Through Partners:

from The LEADSExplorer Blog: Lead generation - Website visitors - CRM - B2B 

Distributors and resellers

In B2B small and large companies sell through partners. Some are very successful using this indirect sales model others have poor sales results.
Some claim the poor sales on the big ego of the distributors, but the solution lies elsewhere as many threat all partners uniformly.
In order to sell successfully through distributors and resellers it is important:
- selecting the right partners
- offering the suited products or services fitting into their offering
- matching their sales and business model

Understand your partners

Hence you need to understand what:
- drives your potential partner
- what is their sales model
- how they sell
- where they have their best margin on that makes their main profit
These key indicators will enable to approach your potential partner with a for him suiting business offering.

Partner is the salesman

Never forget in the end it is your partner that needs to generate the leads, go through the sales cycle and close the deals. This requires investing in time and money for your partner. This can only work if the partners sees a benefit in your products or solutions.
How successful are you selling through partners ?

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