
Talkin’ About Tradeshows: Why They Matter in the Digital Age – Marketing Profs

Talkin’ About Tradeshows: Why They Matter in the Digital Age – Marketing Profs:from 3forward 

Identifying Market and Customer Trends

“Are tradeshows still valued in today’s digital age?
Most industry analysts agree that marketing dollars assigned to tradeshows and events deliver a very high ROI. The digital alternatives to face-to-face encounters are grabbing headlines but not necessarily marketshare. Real business happens at industry events. They are essential in the rhythms and cycles of many industries and act as key milestones in the seasons of major markets. Attendance is increasing, and so are the number of shows, nationally and internationally. However, as people are consuming information in new ways, companies are seeing an increased value in their face-to-face events by incorporating digital and social media components.”   READ MORE
Source: Marketing Profs

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