
So You’ve Got Sales Leads…Now What?

So You’ve Got Sales Leads…Now What?:from Business 2 Community 
I don’t know about you, but watching traffic grow on a website is really exciting for me! Seriously. It’s awesome to see traffic growing in general, but even more exciting when I can see that it’s increased compared to the previous month or previous 3 months (better average).

So Youve Got Sales Leads...Now What? image web traffic increase
Traffic Hype
Many of our clients approach us because they are looking to increase traffic to their website. And we can certainly help and get them results!
But, sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in what I’ll call “traffic hype.” That’s where you are solely focused on building and growing traffic without paying attention to another important aspect of your business — increasing sales!
What Are You Doing with Your Traffic?
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not dissing traffic at all. Getting traffic to your website is great and a necessary step to growth in awarenss, brand and sales. But it’s just one part of the process of using the Internet and inbound marketing to get you more sales.
Another part of it is building leads. A proven way to generate leads through your website is by using calls-to-action that lead to landing pages. The landing page is what allows you to convert visitors into leads by offering a site visitor free content (whitepaper, eBook, podcast, etc.) or interaction with you (demo, webinar) in exchange for some contact information.
So, are you using all that awesome traffic to your advantage and generating leads? If so, excellent, you’re on the right track. See the next section. If not, that’s OK. PROSAR can help get that going for you. Just contact us to set up a free 30-minute Marketing Consultation and we’ll chat about what will work best for your business.
You’ve Got Leads…Now What?
Leads are coming in, but then what? Do they just hang out in your database or are you leveraging them to everyone’s advantage?
Enrolling them in an email campaign is a great start to nurturing your leads. Check out this article on How to Use Email to Nurture Your Sales Leads. Create campaign streams based on the type of content they initially downloaded.
The goal of each of your lead nurturing emails should be to guide your leads further along the buying cycle.
So Youve Got Sales Leads...Now What? image marketing and salesThe Transition from Marketing to Sales
Let’s face it, you’ve got something to sell. And you’re here because you want to learn how to sell more.
At some point in your process with a lead you need to make the transition from marketing to sales. If you’re with a larger company you may have dedicated sales people who can take over from the marketers. In smaller firms, these responsibilities may fall on the shoulders of one person. Either way, there needs to be a transition. It’s subtle, but necessary.
Use the information you’ve generated from the email campaigns to identify highly qualified leads and then get your sales person involved. Every business has a different sales process, but often part of it is picking up the phone and actually calling a lead. The worst thing that can happen is they aren’t interested or ready. That’s ok. Make a note of it (or remove them from your leads database) and move on.
But ignoring your leads by not engaging with them can only mean one thing — you’re missing out on sales.
Are you ready for more sales, but aren’t quite sure where, or how, to start? We’d love to chat with you about your goals and provide some advice on what you can do. Simply sign up for a free 30-minute Marketing Consultation and get the ball rolling in the right direction.
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