
The Best Type of Business for Inbound Marketing

The Best Type of Business for Inbound Marketing:from Business 2 Community 
I don’t know about you, but I am personally having a very hard time believing that we’re already well into 2013. In reality, I am simply more aware that this year is slipping away already. Businesses may feel the same way.  2012 may just be over, but a some businesses may already be planning for 2014. Wow!! In 2012, companies probably debated whether to incorporate inbound marketing within their lead generation strategy for 2013. The percentage of businesses embracing inbound marketing did increase in 2012. HubSpot’s “The 2012 State of Inbound Marketing,” data shows the difference between inbound and outbound marketing expenditures did increase 50% from 2011 to 2012. This percentage also reflects the fact that there are still plenty of companies not completely sold on inbound marketing. Why? The reasons for a company deciding to stick with direct marketing may vary from a lack of understanding to pure unwillingness to try anything new. The company’s decision-makers may not believe inbound marketing as worthwhile for their type of business. This brings up a viable question:  Is there a best type of business for inbound marketing?
In my opinion, there is not a “best” type of business for inbound marketing. The size of the company, the industry, or the number of employees does not seem to make any significant difference. I base my opinion on various published reports and case studies, as well as my own company’s clients. Any company desiring to successfully fill their sales pipelines and convert leads into clients through inbound marketing is a good candidate for inbound marketing.
If you are still contemplating the whether your company may be among the best types of business for inbound marketing then you must be prepared to answer a few questions. One of the most important questions that must be answered? Would your company like to experience lower costs per lead than traditional marketing techniques? Traditional marketing tactics involve direct mail, cold calling, and trade show booths, for example. Needless to say, these activities often become rather costly and time-consuming. Inbound marketing techniques such as blogging, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and social media are comparatively more efficient – both financially and in the time required.
Another important question that you should answer to determine if your company is the best type of business for inbound marketing? Where are my target clients? More companies are going online to research companies with whom they would like to do business. When you know your desired clients are online, then your business must be prepared to draw them in via inbound marketing. For example, this attraction can be achieved by creating content on your business blog based on what appeals to them. Since you understand your intended targets’ interests and behaviors, your content will be helpful in drawing them to your company. The potential client does not feel intruded upon, as they very well may feel with direct, interruptive marketing techniques.
Still wondering if your company is the best type of business for inbound marketing?  The answer will hopefully be easier for you now, depending on how you answered the questions above.

The Best Type of Business for Inbound Marketing image

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