
[Video] Selling to Executives When You're Scared of Them

[Video] Selling to Executives When You're Scared of Them:from Fresh Sales Strategies Blog
I don't know about you, but when I was first told that I needed to call on senior-level executives, I was terrified. What would I talk with them about? They were so far above me -- so much smarter than me about things like finance, overall strategy -- you name it. Yes, you do need to have a different conversation with these people. But, what I'm here to talk about today is the fear of selling to those big wigs.
Years ago, when working with one of my best clients, I was told that I needed to meet with a hotshot young executive. When I heard his name, it struck a bell. I asked, "Is he about 35, with dark hair, good looking? Is he originally from St. Paul? And, did he play hockey?" The answer was yes, yes, and yes.
That's when I knew that I knew this hotshot exec. He was my little brother's best friend growing up. And, he used to run around our house in his jockey shorts. Suddenly, I realized how irrational my fear of selling to executives was. They were normal human beings too -- people like you and me. Sure I had to have a different conversation them, but I didn't have to be scared of them anymore.
Think about it. Is it possible that your fear of these big shots are out of whack too? Remember, you're selling to people -- not a position. And you know how to talk with people!developing relationships with customers

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