Sales Training Article: Coordinating Silos
Sales Training Article: Coordinating Silos:
Sales Training Article: Coordinating Silos
By John Holland, Chief Content Officer, CustomerCentric Selling® - The Sales Training CompanyThis article is a continuation of the IIWII articles series; read last week's article here.
Assume for a minute that the following staff has been with your company for at least 3 years:
- VP Product Development
- VP Marketing
- VP Sales
In order to repair the relationships of the stake holders and their silos, something has to change. The deliverables that ultimately to sales (offerings; collateral; training; messaging) have to be part of an overall strategy. One definition of insanity is doing the same things repeatedly and expecting a different result. Product focused organizations can start to become customer focused if they can get everyone on the same page.
In order to do so, sales can't merely say they are going to implement process or training, a typical "siloed" response done in a vacuum. It seems that all stakeholders should share a common vocabulary that clearly defines the roles and deliverables needed to generate top line.
A few high level suggestions:
- Marketing is the customer of Product Development. If/when an offering does not align with customer needs, Marketing should have the ability to "send it back" as you would send a cold meal in a restaurant back.
- Sales is the customer of Marketing. If/when collateral and messaging for new products are not going to help sellers, items that aren't up to standard should be sent back.
- Marketing should be viewed as the beginning of sales cycles (interest and lead generation) through programs and the Internet rather than where products are handed off so that product launches can be designed. Having Marketing at the start of buying cycles should allow them to provide better input on requirements for new offerings.
- The VP Sales and CFO should share a common definition of criteria for qualified opportunities that will appear in the forecast.
If top line revenue is a challenge, as relates to these stakeholders it's everyone's fault and it's nobody's fault. If silos role can be defined, top line revenue becomes everyone's responsibility and everyone understands their roles.
This article is part of the "It Is What It Is" (IIWII) article series. Check back next week for the next article!
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