
Why B2C Marketing Stuff doesn’t work in B2B

Why B2C Marketing Stuff doesn’t work in B2B: 
Quite often management and marketing assume the marketing that is successful in retail (B2C) will also work for their B2B business.
However marketing in B2C is very different of marketing in B2B.

Potential Customer Quantity

For start the number of the potential customers is much smaller than in B2C: thousands instead of millions.
In B2C it is feasible and effective segmenting their target market for different marketing messages.
In B2B business marketing the number of companies will become too small in one segment as it almost becomes a unique segment per potential customer.

Social Media is not for B2B

Applying Social Media methods like in B2C is not feasible too as people are on social media but not their companies as the audience. Companies are using social media as communications channel for promoting their own products, but they are not part of the masses taking part in Social Media.

Sales Deal Value

Moreover the higher the sales deal value the more personalized marketing messages are required. In B2C the sales deals are rather low $15 to $1000 (except when it comes to buying a new car which only happens every 5 years).
In some B2B businesses the sales deal value can range from $500 to $5,000 -having a larger audience thus some B2C marketing strategies could apply.
However most B2B sales deals are way over $10,000 easily reaching $100,000 or even millions. As such the audience is much smaller

Unique or Personal Message

Instead of having generic messages that apply for and appeal to larger potential customer groups as in B2C, the messages should almost become personal or unique in B2B. This can be appropriate when the potential sales deal value is high enough.
There are many reasons why retail marketing isn’t appropriate for business marketing.
Are your CxO also confusing their B2B with B2C marketing ?

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