
Email Marketing: A Chance for Love Letters to Your Customers

Email Marketing: A Chance for Love Letters to Your Customers:from Business 2 Community 
Email Marketing: A Chance for Love Letters to Your Customers image email marketing love lettersAs marketers, we spend so much time focusing our email marketing efforts on converting leads to customers, but this focus often results in forgetting to build a relationship with our customers. You know, the people who already love us and would continue buying from us with just a little TLC. Here are a few options for emails that are more like love letters than marketing tactics.

The Almighty Thank You Note

I recently leased my second Subaru Impreza. I, of course, enjoy the all-wheel drive (especially in this winter wonderland Cleveland likes to call Spring) and the convenient pricing, but I also adore the company as a whole. Along with its witty advertising (check out the “Dog Tested. Dog Approved.” campaign, which is awesome), its communication with current customers like me makes all the difference.
Check out the email I received not too long ago. Sure, Subaru is tooting its own horn (pun intended!), but the real message is “Thank you for buying a Subaru,” and I appreciate that.
Email Marketing: A Chance for Love Letters to Your Customers image subaru thank you email
Notice the “Learn more” call to action button and the social sharing icons across the bottom. How easy it would be to pass this along to friends or family members who are in the market for new cars. Saying thank you can definitely increase your chance of creating brand ambassadors. Why not give it a try?

The “We’re Sorry” Apology Letter

Another great email communication for current customers? The apology note. Seriously, this simple act of contrition can go a long way with your customers.
For example, I received the email below from Chase Bank after I was unable to see my account balance for a couple hours one night. Sure, it was a little annoying, but not a huge deal. But after seeing the email in my inbox, I felt even better about Chase than before the little glitch.
Email Marketing: A Chance for Love Letters to Your Customers image Chase sorry email
Everyone makes mistakes, and that’s OK. Chase was able to say “We are sorry. You expect more from us. We will do better.” And that is all anybody ever really wants.

The Courteous Reminder Message

Reminder emails are a great way to stay in touch with your customers and provide them with a free service, as well.
My dog is on liver medication, which I order from an online site. Recently I received the email below reminding me that it is time to reorder. Now, let’s call it what it is: The company wants me to buy from it again. That’s marketing/sales. However, this free reminder is a service to me, so I don’t mind.
Email Marketing: A Chance for Love Letters to Your Customers image Pet wellbing email1
When you offer your customers something of value, they are more like to respond positively to your marketing efforts. Reminders for a relevant item are perfect examples.

The Bottom Line

The important thing about these email communications is that I don’t feel like I am being marketed to. No one is forcing me to buy something and sales reps aren’t pressuring me to upgrade. The companies I have already chose to buy from and work with are saying thank you, we’re sorry and please come again. They are communicating like people, and humanizing your brand is a definite must.
What types of email communications have you sent or received beyond the attempt to convert leads to customers? Let us know in the comments below. 
Email Marketing: A Chance for Love Letters to Your Customers image 7dd02b1c c0ae 49fb 867c 790a990eaf0d4
photo credit: Julie Edgley

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