
Outbound Prospecting: by the numbers [New research]

Outbound Prospecting: by the numbers [New research]:from Inside Sales Experts Blog 

If your Outbound Prospectors target 1000 accounts this quarter, how many opportunities will they put into your Sales organization's pipeline?
Ask me that questions three months ago and I would have said, "It depends." Today, I'm confident with a response of 32.
Last December, Pete Gracey from AG Salesworks approached me with a crazy idea. His pitch was roughly, I have 35+ BDRs prospecting for three dozen technologies and generating mountains of Salesforce.com data. Any interest in digging into it and seeing what we find?
My reply: Let's do this.

So after 3 months of whiteboarding, triple-checking of arithmetic, a few shouting matches, and 3.1 gallons of coffee - Pete & I are ready to release the results.
The cheat sheet infographic below, gives you the highlights.
You can download the full ebook here: Outbound Index - Issue #1. It walks you through the data, methodology, findings & our analysis.
I hope this gives you a jumping off point for discussions within your organization.
  • If your team is outperforming the Index, print this out, walk down to your CEO's office, and demand a raise. You deserve it!
  •  If your team isn't, take a look at our KPIs, dig into your own, and see where you are off.
Either way, please let me know what you think. Yours in outbound,
Click image for full size:
The Outbound Index
Connect with Matt on Twitter and Google+ 

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