
[Video] 2 Ways to Use LinkedIn Search to Find Prospect Names

[Video] 2 Ways to Use LinkedIn Search to Find Prospect Names:from Selling to Big Companies Blog
Have you ever been drooling to get into a bigger company, but been unsure of where to even start? If so, here are two ways you can use the LinkedIn search function to find the names of potential prospects.
1. LinkedIn Advanced Search: Start by using the Advanced Search function, which is in the upper right hand corner. Go directly to the Title area and enter in the position you think your decision maker might have. For me, it’s VP of Sales. For you it might be Facilities Manager. Make sure you select “current” right beneath it. Then fill in the company name - again, making sure that you’ve selected current. You can also add other factors such as location, zip code and other relevant key words that can help you narrow down who you’re looking for.
Click search and boom! Up pops people who meet your criteria. Sometimes there’s a slew of them and you’ll need to either refine your search or read through a bunch of profiles till you've located 1 or more potential decision makers.
2. LinkedIn Companies Search:  Also, you can go to the Companies section which is in the middle of your top menu bar. Enter your targeted company here and click search. Just scroll down and look for the header that says, “Your network”. If you have any 1st, 2nd or 3rd level connections into this company, they’ll be listed there.
It may take a bit more digging to uncover the perfect prospect, but this will save you tons of time in the long run. LinkedIn Search

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