
7 Tips for Pinterest Marketing

7 Tips for Pinterest Marketing:from Blogging Tips 

What is Pinterest?

In 2009, Cold Brew Labs Inc. with co-founder Ben Silbermann launched the social sharing site called Pinterest. It is primarily an image-based social sharing site where you can ‘pin’ images on the user profile for ‘followers’ to see. It is a free service but an invite-only site. You just have to leave your email with them and most likely, an invite will be sent within 24 hours.

How Pinterest will help with SEO?

Pinterest can help any online marketer with SEO in the following ways:

1) Infographics

Infographics are highly popular and widely used these days. Prepare an infographic related to a chosen niche and upload it on Pinterest. Eye-catching and informative graphics start to trend within no time and this will help to bring traffic on the site.

2) Follow Others

Become friends with other Pinterest users who share your field of expertise. Like their pins, share them and they are more than likely to return the favor. Keep on following other Pinterest users to increase traffic base.

3) ‘Pin’ Images

Rather than uploading images on Pinterest from a desktop or laptop, publish those images first on your website or blog and then ‘pin’ it on Pinterest display boards. This is necessary to create back links and to drive traffic because when an image is pinned from a website or blog, a link back to the image originating site is automatically given.

4) Pinterest Button

Make it easy for others to ‘pin’ images on their Pinterest accounts by including a Pinterest ‘follow’ button on the site. Log in to your account, go to the Pinterest Goodies page and grab the HTML code, and place it on your blog or website.

5) Account Keywords

While you are setting up the Pinterest account, don’t forget to mention a keyword or two in the “About” description page. Inclusion of keyword/s will help the search engine to show up your Pinterest account for that keyword. If you want, include the location as well. Remember don’t to spam the space with keywords only.

6) Interconnect

It is recommended to interconnect the Pinterest account with Twitter and Facebook. It will lend the ‘pins’ more visibility and benefit you in terms of high traffic. In the Pinterest account description, don’t forget to add the blog or website homepage URL.

7) Pin Board Naming

Use keywords to name the pin boards. For instance, if you are selling various SEO services, you can name the boards like ‘Blog SEO’, ‘Corporate SEO Services’, ‘Bring Traffic’ and other similar names. This will be helpful to increase the search engine ranking of your business.


Pinterest is a social sharing site that borders more on personal sharing than brand sharing. It means that Pinterest has to be used more in terms of individual sharing than brand building. Moreover, try not to be self-referential always, that is, always talking about yourself. It won’t help to increase traffic or SEO.
Share other’s ‘pins’ and ‘pin’ relevant content on Pinterest. Further, remain active there to get maximum benefit.

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netmanagers said...

Great i Really want to creat an account in Pinterest, i like the features and services,

thanks to share with us

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Unknown said...

Pinterest is one of the best option for Social Media Marketing. I like it very much and i use Pinterest to increase Online business.


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Unknown said...

Thanks to share Nice information about Printrest,

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