
The Perception Is All Influential

The Perception Is All Influential:B 

Perception influences decisions

What the public or the potential customer has perceived from an action or a reaction of your company, will last and influence their future decisions related to buying or not buying your products or solutions.

Perception examples

It’s all in the perception:
- You lower your prices because the market has lowered their prices previously.
This gives the impression you had to lower your prices in order to sustain sales.
In reality you could lower your prices because you have changed to a new production process.
- You add on a look-a-like model or solution.
The perception is you needed this model as else the competitor would win too much market share.
This model was on the road map but the competitors were just faster.
- You offer a new technology only after several competitors have launched products using this new technology.
The impression is you are only innovative if you are being forced to. You are certainly not leading in innovation.
Instead of rushing into a new technology you test and evaluate first.
- You extend your warranty as others have already done so.
You give the impression you were loosing market share quickly. Or you had doubts your products could be longer under warranty.
Instead you have increased your quality allowing a longer warranty
- You extend your support services after the competitors have already a 24 x 7 support in place.
Seems you were too sure of people buying your products and solutions without need for additional support.
Instead you want to increase your service and have extended your support availability.
Even though there were many other reasons

Marketing to counter perceptions

Even though in most cases there is another reason for your action or reaction based upon good business drivers, still the perception of the market and your potential buyers will be different as you are no longer seen as a leading company.
The perception influences all decisions even in case the reasons have another driver than the actions of the competitors.
Appropriate marketing could turn around these wrong perceptions by showing the real reasons. Countering perceptions is one of the biggest challenges for marketing.
How do you counter these perceptions ?
What does your marketing do ?
Does marketing provide any help ?


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