
3 Ways Sales Teams Use Video Content to Drive Business

3 Ways Sales Teams Use Video Content to Drive Business:from Business 2 Community 
It’s no secret that online video has become an increasingly popular tool for B2B organizations. Video was the sixth most used tactic for content marketers last year, and that trend is set to continue throughout 2013 and beyond.
But when it comes to driving business, the value of video extends beyond video marketing alone. In fact, more companies these days have realized that video can also be a powerful sales enablement tool for their reps.
A recent study by the Aberdeen Group shows that many high-performing companies have found new ways to use video throughout the sales cycle or, as they call it, the “buyer journey.” For example, it’s no surprise that the majority of top organizations use video content for things like marketing awareness (67%), conversions (60%) and lead nurturing (53%). What is interesting, however, is that the use of video doesn’t stop there. According to the report, these companies also use video for lead qualification (47%), deal closings (33%) and even communications following a sale (33%).
How? Here are some simple examples of the different ways sales teams can use online video content when communicating with prospects and customers throughout the sales cycle.
#1. Lead scoring and qualification. Not only has video content been proven to increase the effectiveness of email marketing campaigns, but it can also help sales teams learn more about the audiences they are trying to sell to.
For example, while static text documents like whitepapers and research reports can return names and contact information, they don’t tell you very much about how prospects are interacting with your content. Videos allow you to look deeper to monitor not only WHO is viewing your content, but also WHAT they’ve watched and WHERE and WHEN they saw it.
Specifically, Brainshark tracking and reporting makes it easy to see which parts of a video a viewer watched, how long they watched for, and even whether a particular video presentation was shared throughout an organization. This is valuable data for salespeople to use when figuring out which prospects have the greatest interest in your products or services, and thus represent the best opportunities for sales.
#2. Closing deals. Video also offers an effective way to follow-up with potential customers after a meeting or initial contact. Why? Because everyone sends follow-up emails to prospects after a meeting or presentation. Video helps reps stand out from the pack and make a more impactful impression with clients.
For example, following a sales presentation, many organizations compose emails (sometimes called “discovery” or “champion” letters) that summarize the prospect’s challenges and lay out how the company’s products or services can meet those needs. Instead of putting a few paragraphs in an email or attachment, reps can now easily create short, personalized videos that speak directly to their clients.
The Aberdeen report points out that some reps do this by recording simple webcam videos to share with prospects. Brainshark customers take things one step further, using PowerPoint slides to create short video presentations with narration that summarize the meeting and break down the next steps.
#3. Post-sales communications. So let’s assume video helps make the sale – hooray! Now what? The deal may be complete, but the relationship with the customer has only just begun.
Following a sale, reps can send along video presentations to help new customers get the most out of their offerings (product demos, best practices, etc.). The Aberdeen report notes that hardware providers even ship equipment with QR codes that can be scanned to view instructional videos straight from a customer’s mobile device.
So what about you? Has you sales team found success using online video presentations to drive more business? Sound off in the comments and let us know!

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